Friday, May 27, 2022

Olive Branch Lodge No 38 Awards Scholarships to Area Students

Stated Meetings

First and Third Tues.

Olive Branch Lodge No. 38, A. F. & A. M.

Masonic Temple – 109 W. North St.; P.O. Box 1773

Telephone 217/446-7620

Danville, Illinois  61832


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          




DANVILLE, IL, May 20, 2022- Earlier this month, Olive Branch Lodge No. 38 awarded scholarships to five area students.  Those students are Luke Gordon who graduated from Armstrong High School and Chloe Brant, Mea Sparling, Rylee Edwards, and Jasmyn Meeker all of whom graduated from Westville High School.  Each of the five will also receive additional scholarship funds from Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program, a nonprofit organization that partners with Illinois Masonic Lodges.

At awards ceremonies held at the lodge, each of the scholarship winners spoke about their goals and plans for the future and how furthering their educations will help them give back to their communities.  The lodge is honored to be able to help them accomplish their academic goals.

The Olive Branch Scholarship program is one of many Masonic related scholarship programs in Illinois.  These many programs award in excess of $500,000 in scholarships to post-secondary students each year.

Olive Branch Lodge No. 38 has been a member of the Danville and Vermilion County community for over 175 years and is a local unit of the Fraternity of Freemasons whose members support each other as they seek to become the best men they can be.  For more information about Freemasonry or the lodge, email the lodge at or call 217-446-7620.



Pictures are Below.

Front row L to R, Chloe Brant, Mea Sparling, Rylee Edwards, and Luke Gordon.  Back row L to R, Scholarship Committee members: Richard Thompson, Ron Vadeboncoeur, and Bill Lucas.

Richard Thompson and Jasmyn Meeker