Monday, March 29, 2021

M⸫W⸫ Gustav H. Schultz

 In this post, we take a break from the somewhat chronological order of our previous posts to introduce a Brother that was raised in Olive Branch Lodge, but who had a greater effect on Masonry in other lodges and in other states.

Gilbert Haven Stephens was the only Grand Master of Masons in Illinois who hailed from Olive Branch Lodge 38, but another Grand Master was raised in the lodge.  Gustav Henry Schultz was initiated in Olive Branch Lodge 38 on June 11, 1911; passed on August 8, 1911; and raised on August 29, 1911.  He dimitted from Olive Branch Lodge 38 on October 13, 1915, by being a Charter member of Anchor Lodge No. 980.  He served Anchor Lodge No. 980 as its first Senior Warden and second Worshipful Master.  He would go to move west, eventually becoming a very active Mason and Grand Master of Masons in the State of Washington.  From the biographical sketch below Brother Schultz was possessed, not only, of great industry as a man and mason, but evidently great humility as well.

Here is a Biographical Sketch of MW Gustav H. Schultz published on p 172-173 of their Compendium of the Past Grand Masters Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, F&AM of Washington.

Most Worshipful Brother Gustav (Gus) Henry Schultz was born in Danville, Illinois on August 19th, 1878, the third of five children of native German parents who immigrated to this country in 1870 and became naturalized Americans. He attended the public schools of Danville and the Chicago College of Pharmacy. After graduation he was engaged in his own drug business until 1922 when he came West, first to Denver and then to Seattle in 1925.  

Brother Schultz was raised a Master Mason in Olive Branch Lodge No. 38, in Danville,  Illinois, in 1911.  He would become a charter member and the first Senior Warden of Anchor Lodge No. 980, serving as Master in 1916. He was commissioned as Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of Illinois by Most Worshipful Grand Master Elmer Beach. He received the 32nd Degree in Danville Consistory, A.A.S.R., Northern Jurisdiction, and served as its High Priest of the Council, Princes of Jerusalem.   He also became a member of Mohammed Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., at Peoria. 

At the institution of Totem Lodge U. D. of Seattle in 1938, he served as its Junior Warden, and as its charter Master in 1940. He assisted in the organization and was a dual member of Exemplar Lodge No. 284. He affiliated with Washington Consistory, A.A.S.R., Southern Jurisdiction, in 1937, and was made a Knight Commander Court of Honor in 1943. He was a member of Ballard Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., of Seattle. He was an Honorary Member of Warren G. Harding Lodge No. 260, and of Home Lodge No. 100. 

In 1941, our Brother would be appointed Grand Lecturer of our Grand Jurisdiction by Most Worshipful Brother John A. Emigh, and re-appointed to this position in 1942. At the 86th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Washington at Wenatchee he was elected Junior Grand Warden, and, serving through the line, was elected Grand Master at Spokane in June 1946. 

Perhaps no words could express his way of life better than those with which he closed his message to the Grand Lodge when he presided as Grand Master in 1947:   

"In a few short hours, this gavel will pass to the hand of a very worthy and sincere Mason, and I shall modestly again take my place among my brothers, pledging to the new Grand Master my services and bespeaking for him the same devotion that you have accorded me. We will have come to the end of another year in our Grand Lodge. It has been a wonderful journey for me and a great adventure, an adventure into the joys of companionship—into the loyalty of friendships—into the fellowship of service, with many ever standing by as a great power moving us always forwards."

"To have lived for a year near the very heart of Masonry is a rich experience that you have made possible for me. My record is here. Its mistakes are my own; whatever its accomplishments are due to the part you have all played in establishing it." 

A reply of silence was received when the name of Most Worshipful Brother Gustave Henry Schultz was called on May 7, 1968.

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