Stated Meetings
First and Third Tues.
Olive Branch Lodge No. 38, A. F. & A. M.
Masonic Temple – 109 W. North St.; P.O. Box 1773
Danville, Illinois 61832
IL, October 15, 2024- James Peplow II, the presiding
officer of Olive Branch 38 Masonic Lodge presented donation checks from the
lodge and matching grant checks from the Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance
Program or IMCAP, to representatives of Rose’s Food for the Children and Fair
Hope Children’s Ministry, before the lodge meeting Tuesday October 15, 2024. The checks totaled $1000 to each organization. The lodge has supported each of these
organizations in the past and fully believes in the mission of each of them.
Rose’s Food for the
Children provides weekend meals for food insecure elementary and middle school
aged children during the school year.
They routinely provide food for 425-450 Danville children who might not
otherwise get meals. The lodge’s
donation will help them purchase the food needed for the program.
Fair Hope Children’s
Ministry provides clothing for children, newborn to 18 years of age, who are
referred to them by pastors, case workers, nurses, doctors, and school social
workers. Last winter season the ministry provided 695 coats
for children. The lodge’s donation will
help them with the purchase of those coats.
IMCAP is Charity of the
Grand Lodge of Illinois which partners with local lodges to serve children and
young adults in their communities. Over
the last few years, IMCAP has worked through Masonic Lodges in Vermilion County
to award several thousand dollars in grants to help children. From help with winter clothing for those in
need, to help providing Wi-Fi internet access to students, to help with
construction costs for ADA bathrooms at a summer camp for youth with
disabilities and more, Illinois Masonic Children’s Assistance Program grants
have enabled the Masons of Vermilion County to help hundreds of children in our
local communities.
Olive Branch Lodge No. 38
is a local unit of the Fraternity of Freemasons whose members support each
other in their efforts to become the best men they can be and to make their
communities the best places they can be.
For more information about Freemasonry or the lodge, email the lodge at
Members of Olive Branch Masonic Lodge, present checks to representatives of Rose’s Food for the Children. Front row, left to right: James Peplow (Olive Branch), Chris Lucas (Rose’s board), Angie Lazzell (United Way CEO), Sue Stahl (Rose’s board), and Marilyn cox (Rose’s board). Middle Row, l to r: Bob Gill, Bill Lucas, Brian Pettice, Ron Vadeboncoeur, and Tom Church (all Olive Branch). Back row, l to r: Jason Shaffer, Mike Williams, Dyke Rothenberger, and Jerry Askren (all Olive Branch).
Members of Olive Branch Masonic Lodge, present checks to representatives of Fair Hope Children’s Ministry. Front row, left to right: James Peplow (Olive Branch), Abby Thompson, Karel Volpert, and Debbie Krilcich (all Fair Hope Children’s Ministry), and Dyke Rothenberger (Olive Branch). Middle Row, l to r: Bob Gill, Bill Lucas, Brian Pettice, and Ron Vadeboncoeur (all Olive Branch). Back row, l to r: Jerry Askren, Mike Williams, Jason Shaffer, and Tom Church (all Olive Branch).
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